Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spring Cleaning #30: Unloading the Drives

I had never created a file for the "S" drive, so I did and then deleted it.

I had nothing on the "P" drive....nor the "Z" drive, so this was an easy one to do!

Spring Cleaning #29: Email

I cleaned out my email account for work.
At home, I made folders for various topics that I wanted to save and will be diligent in keeping it tidy and organized.
Now.....if I can just remember to go through the saved files from time to time and weed them out.....OK....I'll just put a note on the 'fridge!

Spring Cleaning #28

I read about GTD....
I reviewed the links to the google calendar and the to-do lists.
These organizational tools are not very useful for me.
I am a "visual" person....I must "see" my list in order to remember to do the things I need to do.
Therefore....I have found that the best method for me is the old standard of "stick it on the refrigerator door".
I open my refrigerator door numerous times a day. If I stick a note on the door....I am guaranteed to see it!
Unfortunately....I need a much larger refrigerator to display all of my "to do's" on....and it bugs the heck out of my poor husband, who hates clutter.
But, I have tried little pocket calendars....I have tried larger desk calendars....nope....does not work. I would have to remember to actually look at the calendars to see my "to do's".....which would require a note stuck on the refrigerator door.....