Thursday, September 27, 2007

Just because I thought this was funny.....

Vader Plays The Blues

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Week 3: #7 Photo Editing Tools

Originally uploaded by scrappydooo
I looked around at the photo editing tools for the various sites listed. I have PSE, so I'll just stick to that for my photo editing needs, however.
I did think that the pencil drawing tool was kinda I used that one on Boo....

Week 3: #6 More Flickr Fun

I looked around at the Flickr apps.....they were....meh.....I don't know what use I would have for most of them, however...the trading card app looked interesting....I may have to play around with that one later.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Week 3: #5, Discover Flickr

Originally uploaded by scrappydooo

Pets! Yes....we have pets! we have so many pets that I often times think we live in a zoo. Here are just a few of our pets.....
First up is Boo....he (she?) is a Mexican Double Yellow Head Parrot. We got him as a baby over 20 years ago!
He can speak and, if properly coaxed, will sing "I Left My Heart in San Francisco".....(off-key...but thats my fault!).
He loves my yellow crocs! Whenever I wear them, he will waddle down off his perch and follow me. If he catches up to me....he gets a little "amorous" with my shoes! Silly Boo!

Here is the cat.....Princess.

Cats are really pretty useless....this is what she does

all day long! Sleep! Just sleep! Man....I wanna come back as a cat in my next life....

Funny fact about cats: if placed in a large box of styrofoam packing peanuts....they will sink to the bottom of the box. Then...when their feet hit the bottom, they will catapult themselves out of the box....covered with packing peanuts....and tear down the hall. Its really a pretty funny sight....but after about three times of cleaning up packing peanuts from all over the house my daughter made me stop doing it.....sigh!

We also have two black pugs...Lucy and Molly.

Lucy is old and getting me!
Pugs are wonderful dogs...but they sure do shed.
The shed a lot! ......and they snore....a lot.....

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Discovery Exercise week 2:

Learning habits.......
Well, I seem to learn best by doing....and I like to have visual aids to follow.
I have so many "how to" books at home...funny thing actually have to read them in order to get any use out of them! Imagine that! learning is not the route for me.

Next: Thoughts on online safety and privacy.....
Well....I have been posting online for many years now. Not on a blog, but rather on various chat boards.....chatting away on a nearly daily basis with others who share my interests and hobbies. At first, I used a made-up nickname....but later, after getting to know the women I chatted with, I felt comfortable in using my real just made it more "personal" that way. I feel I have always been careful in posting not to reveal too much personal information publicly. I've read the "horror stories" about posting too much personal info where anyone can read it, but I don't let them deter me from establishing online friendships. I've "met" some of the best people that way. Its weird to think that I have so many "friends" all around the world that I have never (and most likely never will) met in real life....but I know so much about them, and we have so much in common, that that is irrelevant.

Missouri.....what can I say.....

So my hubby and I just got back from a three day trip to St. Joseph, MO.....ahhhhh....Missouri....
what can I say about Missouri......It certainly is not Houston!
We stayed downtown for three days...and I swear!...we have more traffic going through our neighborhood on a daily basis than I saw in all of downtown St. Joseph over the course of those three days! Its definately a much slower paced place to live!
The reason we were there was to attend a celebration.
The family owned business my hubby works for is celebrating its 100th year! Quite an accomplishment. Here is one of the many buildings the company occupies in downtown St. Joseph. It is where they manufacture products, such as floor cleaners, waxes and polishes. (exciting stuff)

We also got to tour some of the local museums.....In one of them, there was this big ball of twine....
It weighed over a thousand pounds! I'm just glad my daughter was not there to see it....she would want to try and outdo it!

and now something a little different...


What is digital scrapping? may digital scrapping?
Well....its a form of scrapbooking utilizing a graphics program with digital elements and photos to create and store memories.
While I remain a traditional paper and glue type scrapbooker, I also enjoy the quick, no mess to clean up option of digital scrapping as well. I am currently using this method to make my own, personal recipe album. Care to take a look?