Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Week 3: #5, Discover Flickr

Originally uploaded by scrappydooo

Pets! Yes....we have pets! we have so many pets that I often times think we live in a zoo. Here are just a few of our pets.....
First up is Boo....he (she?) is a Mexican Double Yellow Head Parrot. We got him as a baby over 20 years ago!
He can speak and, if properly coaxed, will sing "I Left My Heart in San Francisco".....(off-key...but thats my fault!).
He loves my yellow crocs! Whenever I wear them, he will waddle down off his perch and follow me. If he catches up to me....he gets a little "amorous" with my shoes! Silly Boo!

Here is the cat.....Princess.

Cats are really pretty useless....this is what she does

all day long! Sleep! Just sleep! Man....I wanna come back as a cat in my next life....

Funny fact about cats: if placed in a large box of styrofoam packing peanuts....they will sink to the bottom of the box. Then...when their feet hit the bottom, they will catapult themselves out of the box....covered with packing peanuts....and tear down the hall. Its really a pretty funny sight....but after about three times of cleaning up packing peanuts from all over the house my daughter made me stop doing it.....sigh!

We also have two black pugs...Lucy and Molly.

Lucy is old and getting grey...like me!
Pugs are wonderful dogs...but they sure do shed.
The shed a lot! ......and they snore....a lot.....

1 comment:

Gaylie said...

Your animals are adorable! I laughed so hard at the thing about the styrofoam peanuts! My cat better run then next time I get a box in the mail, Im tempted to try it. Ive heard that Pugs snore, my cat is a persian and he snores too. Must be the flat nose.