Friday, October 19, 2007

Did you ever do Glamour shots?

Well....I did....many,many years ago!
This is what they did to me......

I look nothing like that picture.....
My dad did not even recognize me....


Janine said...

That's funny you posted that - at home we were just reading this book about life's lessons and one of the quotes was...

"Never get glamour shots so that no one recognizes you"

Picture This said...

Amazing what those people can make you look like...makes you wonder what the STARS really look like under all their make-up, doesn't it?


Tracy said...

It's a beautiful picture Sandy! But I know what you mean, I had glamour shots done in the mid-90's and some of them are really goofy! The ones with the red glitter gloves are the worst! I'd never wear such a thing. LOL